On the Precise Ice Team, skaters build strength, develop artistry on the ice, and learn choreography for performance and competitions. Participants must be registered for at least one Learn to Skate class per session.
You’ve conquered the beginner courses, now put all the skills you’ve learned to the test with the Precise Ice Competitive Figure Skating Team. Precise Ice Skaters will build strength, develop artistry on the ice, and learn choreography for performances and competitions. To join the Precision Ice Team, participants must be registered for at least one Learn to Skate class per session. New participants must meet with the team coach prior to registering. Email jtassart@pekinparkdistrict.org to schedule the meeting.
JUNIOR Precise Ice Team
Does your child love to skate? Is he or she interested in becoming a competitive figure skater or
performing a solo or duet in our annual ice show? If so, you should consider joining the Junior
Precise Ice Figure Skating Team. The Junior Team provides an introduction to competitive figure
skating and is open to all levels of skaters. Junior team members focus on individual routines for
competition and local opportunities such as the annual ice show. The Junior team meets twice a
week on Mondays at 4pm and Saturdays at 8am. Coaches will be on hand to help skaters develop
and practice a skill level appropriate figure staking routine to music. In addition to the Precise Ice
Team Registration, skaters are required to pay an additional $70 per session for coaching fees and
expenses, payable to the Pekin Figure Skating Booster Club.
Be registered for at least one Learn to Skate class per session.
SENIOR Precise Ice Team
On the Senior Precise Ice Team, skaters continue to build strength, develop artistry on the ice, and
learn choreography for performances and competitions. Skaters are required to tryout for the
SENIOR Precise Ice team, commit to participating in competitions and be registered for at least one
Learn to Skate class per session. The Senior team meets three times a week on Mondays at 4pm,
Wednesday at 4:15pm and Saturdays at 8am. In addition to the Precise Ice Team Registration,
skaters are required to pay an additional $70 per session for coaching fees and expenses, payable
to the Pekin Figure Skating Booster Club.
SENIOR Precise Ice Team Coach approval to join and be registered for at least one Learn to Skate
class per session.
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