Start date: Wednesday, July 10 2024.


 Wednesdays, 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM ,

 From July 10, 2024 until August 07, 2024 ,

 Community Center Grounds #1 ,

 Marc Pouw ,

Resource person: Mitchell Beinfest

Location: Community Center Grounds #1 | 1605 E. Burnley Street, Camarillo, CA, 93010


1stDownTots is a development program for kids ages 3-5 years old that uses a variety of fun games to engage kids while teaching the sport of football and developing fundamnetal skills. The goal is to build fitness, muscle coordination, football fundamentals and create a love of the game. We do not do any tackling or blocking at this level.

Available spots: 10/10

Price: $128.75 Taxes waived

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