Start date: Saturday, January 11 2025.


 Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ,

 From January 11, 2025 until April 26, 2025 ,

 Community Center Classroom #6 ,

Resource person: Elianna Vargas (805)482-1996 x108

Location: Community Center Classroom #6 | 1605 E. Burnley Street, Camarillo, CA, 93010


A fun, fresh, funky workout that blends traditional, and dance flavored exercises to challenge your mind, body, and soles. Designed for both the fitness novice or fitness enthusiasts that enjoy a challenging workout. This class will leave you feeling "good" all over. So, out your "happy-feet" on and join us. 

Price: $84.00 - $105.00 Taxes waived

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