Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District
We offer a wide variety of classes, camps, sports, aquatic programs, special events, senior activities, and park amenities.
Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District
We offer a wide variety of classes, camps, sports, aquatic programs, special events, senior activities, and park amenities.
Start date: Saturday, March 29 2025.
Saturdays, 9:30 AM - 9:55 AM ,
From March 29, 2025 until April 19, 2025 ,
Location: Pleasant Valley Aquatic Center
This is a child’s first experience in a lesson without being accompanied by an adult. Songs, games, and activities help orient pre-school age children to the aquatic environment. Children learn basic aquatic skills while developing positive attitudes, good swimming habits and safe practices.
Available spots: Full
Price: $40.00 - $50.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 3 - 5 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: Registration is open December 10 at 9am up until the first day of class/program or until spots are full or otherwise noted.
Prerequisites: Students should be comfortable in the water without a parent and be able to sit on the steps.
Tags: Aquatics
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