Start date: Monday, March 3 2025.


 Mondays, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM ,

 From March 3, 2025 until April 7, 2025 ,

 Pitts Ranch Basketball Court ,

Resource person: Elianna Vargas (805) 482-1996 x108

Location: Pitts Ranch Basketball Court | 1400 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA, 93012


Multi-Sport programs are designed to introduce young athletes to a variety of different sports in one setting. Athletes will learn the rules and essential skills of each sport, along with vital life lessons such as sportsmanship, inclusion and teamwork. (Basketball, Field Hockey, and Baseball). 

Available spots: 12/12

Price: $152.75 Taxes waived

Required age: 5 - 8 years old on the day of the activity

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