Welcome to the Queen City Gymnastics Adult Winter 2025 Registration for our 10 Week session!
Adult Gym is for ages 16 yrs and up. This class is open to all abilities. For beginners, the coach will lead a structured class where adults can learn basic skills on all the different apparatus.
More experienced athletes are also welcome to participate in the class or have supervised free time to work on higher level skills.
Registration Instructions:
1. Click on your desired program.
2. Click on your desired day and time (or skip to step 4 by clicking on the "+" found to the right)
3. Click on the "register" button found to the right.
4. If you have a QCG Amilia account, you will be prompted to log in if you have not already done so. If you do not have a QCG Amilia account, you will be prompted to create a new one.
5. Your activity will be added to your cart which will appear in green/black the top right hand corner of your screen. You have 20 minutes to complete your transaction.
Forms of Payment: Payment can be made by Visa and Mastercard. Please call if using KidSport for funding.
Contact: If you have any issues registering, please let us know via email rec@qcgc.ca or call our office at 306-757-5311.
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