Start date: Friday, September 13 2024.


 Friday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ,

 Blue Mat ,

 Esjay Powell, Daniel Hurwitz ,

Location: Blue Mat | 2702 6th Ave South, Seattle, WA, 98134


Suspensions in rope, either partial or full, are fun and all, but sometimes you just want to throw your partner around. In this workshop, we will explore ways to move, manipulate, and person-handle your partner, all as "groundwork" without a suspension line. Taught by a former professional trainer and fitness enthusiast, we will go over proper technique for lifting your partner via the "brute force" method (to protect both partners backs), and we will also show more clever, acrobatics-inspired tricks for getting your partner elevated off the ground (work smarter, not harder). This movement based workshop is bound to be fun! This workshop is suitable for folks that are hoping to explore the sensation and experience of suspension, as well as for folks experienced in suspension shibari. This workshop is intended for tying pairs; individual attendees are welcome to audit or to pair up with other individual participants. 

Available spots: 11/24

Price: $35.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Prerequisites: Competency in fundamental shibari techniques (single and double column, frictions). Material requirements include 3-4 hanks of 30 foot rope and a cutting tool.

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