Start date: Friday, April 12 2024.


 Friday, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM ,

 Back/Rear Points ,

Location: Back/Rear Points | 2702 6th Ave South, Seattle, WA, 98134


There are 17 essential root positions for vertical apparatus- silks and rope, etc. All tricks, poses, positions, or dynamic movements can be linked back to these 17 positions. The workshop is suitable for newcomers to vertical apparatus as well as seasoned teachers and performers. We will be exploring a new perspective of vertical aerial vocabulary, tricks, and sequences. Bring your favorite go-to sequences, positions, and tricks and we will deconstruct them to their basic elements, and build them up again!

Available spots: 6/12

Price: $70.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 12 years old on the day of the activity

Prerequisites: Must be able to invert on a vertical apparatus (rope or fabric)

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