San Diego Bird Alliance

Together we defend our region's wild birds, threatened habitats and unique biodiversity through advocasy, education and restoration.

Start date: Sunday, February 25 2024.


 Sunday, February 25, 2024, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,

 Marina Village Conference Center- Starboard Room ,

Resource person: Jen Hajj, Festival Coordinator

Location: Marina Village Conference Center- Starboard Room | 1936 Quivira, San Diego, CA, 92109




Mandatory membership(s):

  • Festival Pass- 12 and under
  • Festival Pass- Youth ages 13-18
  • Festival Pass- Adult

Available spots: 4/56

Price: $165.00 Taxes waived

Notes: Sponsored by Swarovski Optik

More information: Trip starts with a 1/2 hour meeting at 7 am in the Starboard Room. The group then walks to the Marin

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