San Diego Bird Alliance

Together we defend our region's wild birds, threatened habitats and unique biodiversity through advocasy, education and restoration.

Start date: Sunday, February 25 2024.


 Sunday, February 25, 2024, 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM ,

 Marina Village Conference Center ,

 Patti Langen, Barbara Swanson ,

Resource person: Jen Hajj, Festival Coordinator

Location: Marina Village Conference Center | 1936 Quivira, San Diego, CA, 92109


We will start at Whelan Lake, a wildlife and bird sanctuary located in north Oceanside. This sanctuary has miles of trails that border a large lake, a wastewater treatment area and open fields. This diverse habitat has produced sightings of 235 species over the years. Wintering ducks, grebes and other waterbirds are attracted to the lake; some of these species seen this time of year include three species of teals, Eared Grebes, Wood Ducks and Sora. Raptors are often seen, including the resident White-tailed Kites and Red-shouldered Hawks. Other birds commonly seen are Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Wrentit, Vermilion Flycatcher and Hutton’s Vireo. 

Our second stop will be at Guajome Regional Park in nearby Vista. There are over 4 miles of trails with a lake, marsh, ponds and other habitats; 229 bird species have been sighted here. In addition to many of the birds already mentioned for Whelan Lake, we may see Acorn Woodpeckers, California Gnatcatchers, Bewick’s Wrens, Phainopepla and Cassin’s Kingbird.

This field trip is a bus trip, beginning and ending at Marina Village Conference Center. Start time indicates the time the bus plans to depart. Join us for breakfast before your trip!

Buena Vista Audubon has a nature center and protected lands located in Oceanside and offers free year-round bird walks, including to Whelan Lake, every month. We have a monthly newsletter, a Speaker series on Zoom, activities for children and a YouTube channel; more information can be found at

Photo by Tammy Kokjohn

Mandatory membership(s):

  • Festival Pass- 12 and under
  • Festival Pass- Youth ages 13-18
  • Festival Pass- Adult

Available spots: 3/25

Price: $158.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Land-based

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