Start date: Wednesday, March 26 2025.


 Wednesdays, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ,

 From March 26, 2025 until April 23, 2025 ,

 Martin Centre Room A ,

Location: Martin Centre Room A | 1434 Graham Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3A8


Lindsay Atkinson-Smith

Do you have a deck of tarot cards in the back of a drawer somewhere and have never got around to learning how to use them? I hear this often! Join me to learn how to do readings for yourself and for friends. I will share the history of the cards and how they have changed over the years. You will discover what your personality and soul cards are and how to work with them.

We will do 3, 5 and 10 card readings. My personal view is that all readings are positive, and even scary cards have a positive meaning. I use the cards for personal growth and to develop intuition. The class will be small, and you will learn through participation. If you have a deck, bring it to the class. if you don't, please wait until after the first class to get one. There will be decks available for you to use.


Lindsay has been playing with and reading tarot cards since a 1974 trip to Europe where she met a fellow traveler with a Tarot deck. Since then, Lindsay has collected many decks and books about Tarot and pulling a tarot card has become part of her daily and yearly practice. She finds that it gives her guidance for the day and year and will give her something to think about. Lindsay began teaching a Tarot class at SLR in 2019 and since then has taught one or two courses each year. She loves teaching the class and seeing people go from knowing nothing to being able to do a reading at the end of the five weeks.

Mandatory membership(s):

  • Annual Membership

Available spots: Full

Price: $22.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Martin Centre Room A

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