Start date: Friday, May 2 2025.


 Fridays, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ,

 From May 2, 2025 until May 16, 2025 ,

 Martin Centre Room B ,

Location: Martin Centre Room B | 1434 Graham Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3A8


Gene Bodzin

Daily life didn’t use to be as urgent or hectic as it is today. Now it seems like everything has to be done online - and immediately. When you call a business, you can’t reach a real person without hitting dozens of numbers for choices you had not imagined. You used to know that what mattered was in front of you and not behind a computer screen. But now that you are forced to adapt to new realities, how do you cope with sudden and drastic change? Share your insights and the benefit of your experience in a wide-ranging discussion of what it means to be alive in this place at this time. 


Gene has spent a lifetime testing his father’s contention that there is no useless knowledge. His main aim as an editor was clarity. As a teacher, researcher, and writer, he has tried to distinguish truth from ignorance, facts from opinions, and certainty from speculation. His focus at SLR is on how, why, and whether people think.

Mandatory membership(s):

  • Annual Membership

Available spots: 5+

Price: $16.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Martin Centre Room B

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