Important information

Maui Tumblers along with Maui Circus Collective presents Keiki Circus Camp!

Every child's dream come true, to join the circus! We have skilled, professional coaches on staff to teach and interact with your child.  Our camp gives your child the opportunity to explore fun, dynamic moevements and all aspects of circus play:

  • Tumbling/Acrobatics (gymnastics, partner acrobatics)

  • Aerial classes (silks, lyra hoop, tightrop)

  • Flow arts (juggling, hula hoop, "fire" spinning)

  • Maui In Motion (our interpretation of parkour/free running)

  • Clown class (balloon animals, face painting, costume design)

We top it all off with an amazing Circus Showcase at the end of the week!

Every camp has been sold out- Reserve your spot today!

Ages: 6 -11

Schedule:  8:30am-12:00pm 

Location:  Hawaii All Star Gym, 106 Kane St. Kahului