Start date: Monday, August 4 2025.
Every day, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ,
From August 4, 2025 until August 8, 2025 ,
Gold Rush Full Room ,
Resource person:
Location: Gold Rush Full Room | 16799 East Lake Avenue, Centennial, CO, 80016
Let your imagination run wild all day long with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! First, discover the world around us through our inquiry-based learning model and engineer-designed projects. Then, start your engines as you build and design an array of exciting machines, traversing land, sea, and air, with the assistance of your experienced Play-Well TEKnologies instructors. Learn about the engineering principles behind motors, gears, and everything that vrooms and zooms!
Please note that a staff member will be present on August 5 to take photos and videos for marketing purposes. If you’re not interested in having you/your child photographed at that time, please see the front desk upon check-in to receive a colored wristband or talk to the staff.
Available spots: 12/24
Price: $450.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 5 - 12 years old on the day of the activity
Gender: Male, Female, Prefer not to say
Notes: Full refunds or credits are available for cancellations made before the class begins. Cancellations within 5 days or less of the class start date will incur a 50% fee. No refunds for missed classes on behalf of the participant. Refunds are processed to the original payment method; allow up to two weeks for check refunds. Medical or relocation issues may qualify for a full refund. For more details, contact the program supervisor.
Tags: Play Well TEKnologies School Break Camps
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