Start date: Monday, June 2 2025.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ,
From June 2, 2025 until June 5, 2025 ,
Full Gymnasium ,
Resource person:
Location: Full Gymnasium | 16799 East Lake Avenue, Centennial, CO, 80016
Dig into a boys and girls volleyball camp that’ll set your kids up for success. Big Hitters Volleyball Camp focuses on teaching participants how to better pass the ball, properly set, spike with accuracy, and serve both underhand and overhand. Whether your child is just getting into the sport or wanting to take their skillset to the next level, this youth volleyball camp will help them achieve their athletic goals.
Please note that a staff member will be present during one of the classes to take photos and videos for marketing purposes. If you’re not interested in having you/your child photographed at that time, please see the front desk upon check-in to receive a colored wristband or talk to the staff.
Available spots: 21/28
Price: $108.00 - $135.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 8 - 14 years old on the day of the activity
Gender: Male, Female, Prefer not to say
Tags: Big Hitters School Break Camps Volleyball Athletics
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