Start date: Saturday, May 3 2025.
Saturday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,
Gold Rush Full Room ,
Resource person:
Location: Gold Rush Full Room | 16799 East Lake Avenue, Centennial, CO, 80016
Join us on Saturday, May 3, for our semi-annual Art and Pottery Sale! All items are handmade by employees or students of Trails Recreation Center. There will be plenty of pottery, jewelry, photography, postcards, knit items, paintings and sculptures to please any craft fair lover.
Do all your Mother's Day shopping in one location!
Registration is not required!
Please note that a staff member will be present to take photos and videos for marketing purposes. If you’re not interested in having you/your child photographed at that time, please see the front desk upon check-in to receive a colored wristband or talk to the staff.
Price: $0.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 1 - 102 years old on the day of the activity
Gender: Male, Female, Prefer not to say
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