Start date: Saturday, July 26 2025.
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM ,
Art Studio ,
Resource person:
Location: Art Studio
Babysitter training offered through the Health and Safety Institute via the Trails Recreation Center. Students learn core skills facilitating actual hands on baby sitting effectively and safely. Training in this course shows students how to work with toddlers, how to identify potentially dangerous situations, how to summon emergency services, what safe practices can be utilized in emergencies, and more.
Content also covers formatting the business side of babysitting and what that entails. Components in class include appropriate babysitter behavior, communicating with children, safely managing children, communicating with adults, pricing, as well as other principles. Students will interact with each other and the instructor in a fun constructive learning environment. Instructors will work with students to gain a full understanding of what it takes to effectively and safely babysit children of multiple ages/backgrounds.
Available spots: 10/10
Price: $90.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 11 - 15 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: Class includes a lunch break. Bring snacks, something to eat, something to drink. We do not allow any glass, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or other smoking products in the facility.
Tags: Special Interests Misc. Programs Aquatics Babysitting Lifeguard Trainings
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