Start date: Monday, April 7 2025.
Mondays, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ,
From April 7, 2025 until April 28, 2025 ,
Cycling Room ,
Resource person:
Location: Cycling Room
Our Pilates class focuses on increasing strengthn, flexibility and muscle tone with a focus on improving posture, proprioception and functional strength. Each class will work to balance all muscle groups with an emphasis on challengiong the core muscles with each movement.
Please note that a staff member will be present on March 17 to take photos and videos for marketing purposes. If you’re not interested in having you/your child photographed at that time, please see the front desk upon check-in to receive a colored wristband or talk to the staff.
Available spots: 10/12
Price: $56.80 - $71.00 Taxes waived
Notes: Please bring a mat to class. They can be purchased at our front desk.
Tags: Ball Pilates Specialty Fitness Fitness
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