Start date: Monday, September 9 2024.


 Mondays, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM ,

 6 times starting September 9, 2024 ,

 100 Youth Center ,

 Anoushka Brod ,

Resource person:

Location: 100 Youth Center | 400 Roberson Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510


This class will focus on using improv tools to be fully engaged in the moment, create incredible teamwork, and enhance creative thinking — all in the back-drop of fun, games and laughter. If you are ready to learn, stretch, and grow all while acting like a kid, this class is for you! Improvisation is all about tools to help us safely learn to connect, be fully present in the moment, play and feel a sense of community again. No experience needed.

About the Instructor: Anoo Tree Brod is an award winning actress and speaker who created Wild Mind Improv, A unique approach to transformation that is built in fun, play and connection. She has been a professional improviser for over 20 years performing with Actors Improv Company (formerly Transactors), Danny Canoe Improv as well as many other improv groups. She has taught thousands of students in various settings including corporations, organizations and Universities. People of many backgrounds rave about her ability to help them connect to themselves in new and exciting ways.

Available spots: Full

Price: $164.00 Taxes waived

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