Start date: Monday, June 23 2025.


 Every day, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ,

 From June 23, 2025 until June 27, 2025 ,

 The ArtsCenter ,

Resource person:

Location: The ArtsCenter | 400 Roberson Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510


Use the potter’s wheel and ceramic hand-building techniques to create decorative and functional pieces.

Instructors: Mirna and Lucas

There is a $15 materials fee included in the price of this camp. 

Please note that pieces created in this camp will not be ready to go home for approximately 2 weeks. Families will be contacted when pieces are glazed, fired, and ready to be picked up and families should plan to pick them up from the ArtsCenter at that time. 

Available spots: 7

Price: $235.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 10 - 15 years old on the day of the activity

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