Start date: Monday, July 14 2025.


 Every day, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ,

 From July 14, 2025 until July 18, 2025 ,

 The ArtsCenter ,

Resource person:

Location: The ArtsCenter | 400 Roberson Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510


Using only paper, scissors, and glue, we’ll start by making collage self-portraits. Then come 2D story maps and 3D miniature landscapes complete with small houses. It’s building upward from the paper surface by twisting, stacking, and shredding. Resulting in mini paper sculpture. The art can voice who you are, as well as where you are…you are the architect and the engineer. It’s immersive art making with minimal materials allowing the imagination to soar…then safely land on a large wad of tissue paper. (Kids will need a shoebox.) Contact for details. Instructor – Rowena Bowman

Available spots: 6

Price: $220.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 7 - 11 years old on the day of the activity

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