Start date: Friday, September 22 2023.


 On Friday, September 22, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

 Program Space

Resource person: Sarah Walsh & Javier Cuello De Oro Guerrero

Location: Program Space | 191 E 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3E5


Join us on your day off from school for camp at This World's Ours Centre. Campers will engage in a variety of activities from arts & crafts, cooking, physical activity, visits to local parks, and more! 

Please pack a nut free snack, lunch, water bottle, and change of clothes (optional). 

Join our waitlist and we will reach out to families to discuss prior to registration. Adding your name to the waitlist does not gauruntee registration. 

Required age: 5 - 13 years old on the day of the activity

More information: Sarah Walsh

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