Start date: Monday, March 17 2025.


 Every day, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ,

 5 times starting March 17, 2025 ,

 Program Space ,

Resource person: Ben Pryce & Javier Cuello De Oro Guerrero

Location: Program Space | 191 E 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3E5


Join us on your spring break for camp at This World's Ours Centre. Campers will engage in a variety of activities from arts & crafts, cooking, physical activity, visits to local parks, and more! 

Please pack a water bottle and nut free lunch. Also, please ensure campers are dressed for the weather.

This camp is a full day camp from 9am - 4pm and is running at a 1:6 ratio. Campers are between 5-12 years old. First priority will be given to participants in our Kids Club.

If you are using AFU, please submit an RTP prior to camp starting. We are happy to assist with this process. If you are paying privately, we kindly ask for camp to be paid 2 weeks prior to starting. We are also requesting that all families have a credit card on file.

Available spots: Available

Price: $875.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 5 - 12 years old on the day of the activity

More information: Ben Pryce & Javier Cuello de Oro Guerrero

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