Start date: Monday, September 11 2023.


 Mondays, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM ,

 From September 11, 2023 until December 11, 2023 ,

Resource person:

Location: #110 8060 Silver Springs Blvd. NW, Calgary


This class is great for children ages 2-3 year olds. For this class each child will require 1 grownup with them throughout the class to assist them when needed. No siblings allowed.

Each class is based around learning basic gymnastics, having fun and increasing their personal strength, balance, flexibility and coordination.

Some of the skills learned include rolls, handstands, jumps, leaps, locomtions and balances.

This class is taught by Heather.

Mandatory membership(s):

  • July 2023 - June 2024 Annual Membership Fee

Available spots: Full

Price: $234.00 Taxes not included

Required age: 2 - 4 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: In the event that Tuck-N-Tumble must cancel a class due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond control, you will receive a credit on your Amilia account for any missed classes. Withdrawals will be accepted up to 2 weeks prior to the start of session and will incur a $30 admin fee.  After this date, credits to account will only be considered for medical reasons.  A doctor's note must be provided.

Prerequisites: Children must be free of flu symptoms and/or fever for at least 24-48hours before their scheduled class.

Tags: Silver Springs

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