Start date: Saturday, September 14 2024.
On Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Resource person:
Location: VanDusen Botanical Garden - Guides Classroom
FELT à la main with LOVE SOFT SCULPTURAL FLOWER Wool+Water+Agitation=Magic! In this introduction to wet felting workshop, you will learn how to make a soft sculptural hand-felted flower with Chantal Cardinal. Starting with a 2D flat layout of fibres, wetting it down, agitating it or felting it until it becomes a material, cutting it, fulling it and sculpting it into a 3D flower. You will be given different shaping and finishing options, like cutting petals and creating stamens. Felting tools will be standing by for you to use (bubble wrap, felting solution, soap, towel...). Fibre supplies will be provided to make one flower. Online pre-registration is required. Image by Chantal Cardinal. Note: Participants will come into contact with olive oil soap and felting solution (water + a touch of mild dish soap). Please bring gloves if you have allergies or sensitive skin. Felting is a physical activity and might not be suited for everyone. Read our cancellation policy here.
Available: Full
Price: $49.00 Taxes not included
Notes: For registration support, email
More information: Please note that registration will close at 4:00 p.m. PT, one business day before the program start.
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