Start date: Sunday, December 3 2023.
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM ,
VanDusen Guides Classroom ,
Resource person: Jess Henry - Adult & Family Programs Manager
Location: VanDusen Guides Classroom | 5151 Oak St, Vancouver, BC, V6M 4H1
Join us for this family-friendly event! Kick off the holiday season by creating a fresh, fragrant wreath to decorate your home this festive season! Learning to make a traditional wreath is a fun and simple activity that anyone can learn to do, all it takes is a little guidance and creativity to transform natural materials into a masterpiece! Enjoy hot chocolate and tea as you work with our VBGA instructor to create your own holiday decor. Please purchase at least 1 x Wreath Materials Kit ($40) for your group (option to purchase will appear as merchnadise at checkout). You are welcome to purchase more kits for your group if you'd like to create more than one wreath. Optional Materials to Bring – Thin work gloves, Garden Pruners (if you have them please bring but we will have extras for use as well), Optional items: large ribbon of your choice, additional florals (ie. Berry Branches or other Florals), your favorite Holiday Wreath Décor (Dried Orange Slices, Cinnamon Sticks, Toys, etc.). Please note registration for this program will close on Thursday, November 30th at 5:00pm.
Available spots: Full
Price: $15.00 Taxes not included
Required age: Over 5 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: PRE-REGISTRATION required for this popular program; we are not able to accommodate drop-ins. Admission must be purchased for each person (adults & children) attending this program. Children are the responsibility of their parent/caregiver and must be supervised at all times. Please make sure to purchase the number of Materials Kits you need for your group. Registration in this workshop includes admission to the Garden, however, the Garden will close on December 2nd at 3pm sharp to all Visitors. Admission to the Festival of Lights event must be purchased separately. Cancellation policy: No refunds will be given for education courses. A credit will be applied to your account for cancellations with one week's notice. With less than a week's notice, no credit will be given. No new credit will be issued if the cancelled course was purchased using prior credit. Credits must be used within one year from the date issued. Please notify us of your cancellation in writing to
Prerequisites: In order to register for a class, you first need to open an account with Amilia, our online registration portal. Follow this link to create your account:
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