Start date: Tuesday, September 26 2023.


 On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

 VanDusen Guides Classroom

Resource person:

Location: VanDusen Guides Classroom | 5151 Oak St, Vancouver, BC, V6M 4H1


Beatrix Potter was a woman of many interests and ambitions. However, we often come to know only one of these, her children’s books. Renowned for her fabulous Peter Rabbit storybook illustrations at the turn of the Century, Potter was also involved in the study of fungi (mycology) and, later in life, land conservancy efforts in Britain.


Join returning lecturer Spencer W. Stuart as he explores three facets of Potter’s life. Beginning with her extraordinarily successful children’s tales, of which she published twenty-three, he will delve into Potter’s lesser-known involvement with the study of mycology through scientific illustration as well as writing. Now housed in the Armitt Museum in England and Perth Museum in Scotland, these beautifully executed and famously accurate water colours continue to serve as reference to both amateur and expert mycologists alike. Finally, he will discuss her enduring legacy to the conservation of the historic Lake District of North West England, revealing not only the familiar figure we have all come to know of imagination and fairy tale but also an enthusiastic, down-to-earth Naturalist caught up in the debates of the day.

About the speaker:  

Spencer W. Stuart holds a Masters in the History of Art from the Courtauld Institute, UK, and received the Director’s Award upon its completion. He then went on to work with Bonhams Auctioneers, focusing on Rare Books and Manuscripts in both their Toronto and New York offices. Spencer currently resides in Vancouver where he operates a collection management practice and serves as Chair of the Alcuin Society. He is the author of the recently published Contemporary Issues in Rare Book and Manuscript Collecting.

The presentation will be followed by a library tour, with a focus on its collection of books on botanical illustration.

Available: Available

Price: $20.00 Taxes not included

Notes: Pre-registration is required. This course will take place in person in the Guides Classroom in the Visitor Centre at VanDusen Botanical Gardens. Cancellation policy: No refunds will be given for education courses. A credit will be applied to your account for cancellations with one week's notice. With less than a week's notice, no credit will be given. No new credit will be issued if the cancelled course was purchased using prior credit. Program cancellation by the VBGA due to Public Health Restrictions will result in education program credit equivalent to the value lost. Please notify us of your cancellation in writing to

Prerequisites: Educational programs are available for both members and non-members. In order to register for a class, you first need to open an account with Amilia, our online registration portal. Note that your membership account does NOT give you this access. You must open a separate account in Amilia. Follow this link to create your account: Please save your Amilia account username & password for registration in future classes.

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