Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Date de début : mercredi, 31 janvier 2024.
Horaire :
Les mercredis, 12 h 00 - 12 h 50 ,
12 fois à partir du 31 janvier 2024 ,
Responsable : De La Cruz, Rebecca
Lieu : 203
Description :
New play! New activities and old favorites!
Nurture and cultivate the active imagination of your child! Since young children live in a world of make-believe for a great portion of their day, they have the most creative imagination of any age group. For this reason, early childhood is a great time to introduce your child to the dramatic arts! Classes will include a warm up with a basic movement/music/word game/improvisational activity intended to focus students’ attention, as well as helping students learn storytelling skills, such as a dramatic retelling of a story, fable or short story.
Tuition: $120/$87.60 for volunteers
Supply Fee: $7
Places disponibles : 1
Prix : 120,00 $ Taxes exonérées
Âge requis : 4 - 6 ans au jour de l'activité
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