Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Date de début : mercredi, 31 janvier 2024.
Horaire :
Les mercredis de 10:00 à 10:50.
14 fois à partir du 2024-01-31
Responsable : Beam, Keeley
Lieu : 203
Description :
Find out more about waitlists. New class! This will be a useful introduction to psychological principles. Taught from a Christian perspective, students will learn the basic theories while specifically focusing on the techniques that lead to better learning and living! All students should be mature enough to be able to discuss serious subjects, while having a good time. Approximately 1-2 hours of homework per week. Ending 5/1 Tuition: 14 weeks, $130/$94.90 for volunteers Supply fee $18
About the teacher: Keely Beam, BS,in Environmental Science, BA in psycholog,, MAE in educational psychology,, and EdD in school psychology.
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