Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Date de début : mercredi, 30 août 2023.
Horaire :
Les mercredis, 10 h 00 - 10 h 50 ,
12 fois à partir du 30 août 2023 ,
Responsable : Riddle, Audrey
Lieu : Gym
Description :
Find out more about wait lists. For kids on the move! Exercise and games keep kids active while also teaching them about the muscles they are developing, as well as their cardiovascular system. Activities will develop their ability to respond to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues; balancing and coordination training will enhance agility. And it’s all fun! Tuition: $120/$87.60 for volunteers Supply Fee: $8
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