Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
We have been called by God to serve homeschool families by making their mission more effective and more enjoyable.
Date de début : mercredi, 31 janvier 2024.
Horaire :
Les mercredis de 13:00 à 13:50.
12 fois à partir du 2024-01-31
Responsable : Rainear-Wills, Becky
Lieu : 201
Description :
Find out more about wait lists. Repeats previous curriculum Economics is often boring, but money is always fun! Kids participate in fun activities such as an assembly line for mini hamburgers, playing a s’mores import/export game, bartering and trading games, and many more. As kids play, they will learn about economic concepts: a candy trade quickly reveals the concept of scarcity. Choosing rides for a theme park teaches cost/benefit analysis. You will even have the opportunity to become an entrepreneur and sell your wares in our market! Tuition: $120/$87.60 for volunteers Supply Fee: $18
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