US Engineering League offers the most comprehensive list of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) enrichment programs available!
Description USEL Upland offers the most comprehensive list of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) enrichment programs available in California. Simply put, we are the best place for fun and education all year around for kids age 4-14! Comprehensive STEM curriculum Correlate to local and national STEM standards Prepares kids with 21st century skills necessary for one of the fastest growing industries in the world Low teacher / student ratios USEL not only offers the BEST SUMMER CAMP in California, for children ages 4-14. We also offer: Robotics Competition Teams School Consultant Packages School Break Camps After - School Enrichment Programs Daytime HomeSchool / Preschool Classes Workshops & Parent's Night Out Sessions School Field Trips Birthday Parties Best Summer Camps - Fun & Eduational & Much More!
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