Date de début : vendredi, 20 septembre 2024.

Horaire :

 Les vendredis, 17 h 30 - 19 h 00 ,

 Du 20 septembre 2024 jusqu'au 13 décembre 2024 ,

 Saanich Commonwealth Place ,

Responsable : Boardworks Academy |

Lieu : Saanich Commonwealth Place | 4636 Elk Lake Drive, Victoria, BC, V8Z 5M1

Description :

Combine the best of swimming and diving with this unique program from Boardworks & Pacific Coast Swimming. Designed by award winning National and International diving and swimming coaches children will learn the introductory competitive swimming and diving skills in a safe and fun environment.

Note: If registrations for a session are below a minimum threshold, or circumstances outside of our control should arise, changes to classes may be offered.

Places disponibles : 8

Prix : 150,00 $ Taxes exonérées

Âge requis : 7 - 13 ans au jour de l'activité

Notes : Some classes are impacted by competitions in the pool. Please check the schedule.

Prérequis : Participants are required to be able to swim 2 widths of the pool independently and confidently in deep water (4.5 metres) as well as open eyes under water. Wearing swim goggles is not permitted. For dryland exercises, athletes must wear shorts and t-shirts (no shoes, but socks optional). A water bottle is also required.

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