Champaign Park District
Our mission is to enhance our community’s quality of life through positive experiences in parks, recreation, and cultural arts.
Champaign Park District
Our mission is to enhance our community’s quality of life through positive experiences in parks, recreation, and cultural arts.
What is Champaign Urbana Special Recreation?
CUSR is an intergovernmental cooperative made up of the Champaign and Urbana Park Districts, founded in 1985. CUSR provides year-round leisure and recreation opportunities for children and adults with disabilities.
Full payment must be received upon registration unless specific arrangements have been made with the CUSR office. Registrations will not be processed if a fee balance remains from a previous season. Registrations are accepted online, in person at CUSR Center, or through mail. Coordinators and program leaders MAY NOT receive payment or registration forms at programs. CUSR does not prorate for late registration. Exceptions may be made for people who are new to the community.
Program Cancellation Policy
All registration cancellations must be made at least one week prior to the start of the program in order to receive a full refund. For programs with cancellation dates listed, registration must be canceled no later than the specified date to receive a full refund. Any program cancellations after the one-week deadline will receive NO refund. A $5 service charge will be deducted from all refunds.
Participant Expectations
1. Participants need to wear appropriate attire for program participation (i.e. for athletic/fitness programs comfortable clothing and tennis shoes must be worn). If you have questions about the type of attire participants should wear for a particular program, please contact our office.
2. Participants need to have clean, dry clothing.
3. No bowel/bladder problems upon arrival at the transportation location or program. (If this is a concern, extra clean clothing, clean-up supplies and Depend garments (or similar items) must be sent with the participant).
4. Participants need to pay attention to body odor and overall appearance (clean hair, face, teeth, hands, etc.). CUSR staff will also be consistent in stressing personal hygiene while participants are in our programs and will not return participants at the end of a program in an unclean manner.
Behavior Code
CUSR promotes the concept of “Equal Fun For Every[1]one” and strives to accomplish this belief through our program goals. However, certain rules are necessary to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment. CUSR participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The CUSR behavior code states that participants shall show respect to all participants and staff, refrain from using foul language, refrain from causing bodily harm, and show respect to equipment, supplies, and facilities. Additional policies may be developed for specific programs and camps.
Atlanto-Axial Subluxation
Individuals with Downs Syndrome are at risk of having a condition known as Atlanto-Axial Subluxation. CUSR must have a doctor’s written note on file stating a participant is free of the instability if he/she wishes to participate in programs that may cause undue stress upon the neck. Please take this into consideration when registering and inform staff if the condition is present.
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