A fun-filled day gone to the dogs! Let your furry, four-legged friend take a swim in the BRiCk Outdoor Pool, visit with dog friendly vendors, win some prizes and have fun.
Cost: $5 per dog – Humans are free. Limit 2 dogs per person.
Itinerary info: 10 AM – 11:45 AM dogs 35 lbs and under and 12:15 PM – 2 PM dogs 35 lbs or more. Check-in process begins 15 minutes before the session begins.
Burleson Parks and Recreation has established rules to ensure safety and an enjoyable swimming experience for all. Staff is present to prevent accidents, not to supervise children/dogs. Therefore, parents are expected to closely supervise their children/dogs and assist in enforcing the facility’s policies for the safety and enjoyment of all patrons.
Small Dog Weight: 35 lbs. or less - Large Dog Weight: 35 lbs or more
Rules for Participants and Owners
All dog owners and pets are required to adhere to the following event rules. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event and park property.
1. All dogs must be current on rabies, parvo, and distemper vaccinations, and owners must bring digital or paper documentation of vaccination.
2. All dog handlers must be 18 years of age or older.
3. Limit of 2 dogs per person.
4. DO remove any dog exhibiting aggressive behavior immediately. Staff may ask you and your dog to leave the facility if deemed necessary.
5. DO NOT bring young puppies less than 6 months old.
6. DO NOT leave dogs locked unattended in your vehicle. When the weather gets warmer, it can be deadly and high temperatures can cause irreparable organ damage and even death.
7. DO NOT unleash your dog outside the designated gate.
8. DO NOT assume that your dog knows how to swim.
9. DO NOT force your dog in the water if they are uncomfortable. Once it is clear they are truly scared or averse to being in the water, get them out.
10. DO NOT bring dogs that are in season.
11. DO monitor your dog for inappropriate behavior. Handle any conflicts with kindness and good manners.
12. DO NOT bring people food to the event. Dogs may show undesirable behavior in the presence of food.
13. DO know dog owners are liable for damage or injury inflicted by their dogs.
14. DO know dog owners waiver liability to the City for any injury or damage caused to or by dogs during the event.
15. DO keep the park clean by picking up an unclaimed “pile” and preventing your dog from digging. Also, keep an eye on your dog so you know when to clean up his piles or holes.
Suggestions for Participants and Owners
In an effort to make your time more enjoyable, we have borrowed the concept of Petiquette, behavior-based guidelines or “pet etiquettes” for furry, four-legged visitors and their two-legged companions.
1. DO provide your dog with fresh drinking water before, during, and after the event.
2. DO NOT use a retractable leash.
3. DO NOT roam too far from your doggie or be distracted talking to other pet owners. Make sure your dog’s interactions are safe.
4. DO NOT overdo it with your dog. Just make sure to know your dog’s limits and take him or her home when they’ve had enough.
5. DO remember, this is a “DOG” event. Dogs and children both frighten and excite easily and react differently, which can create a dangerous atmosphere. Please keep a close eye on your children.
6. DO play and interact with your pet while here. Exercise is good for humans too.
7. DO be prepared for behavior you may not like that is natural and not necessarily aggressive. Examples include growling, barking, charging, posturing, play biting, curling of lips, and wrestling.
8. DO NOT bring your pet’s favorite toy if they don’t like to share.
9. Finally… have fun swimming with your dog.