Date de début : mardi, 18 mars 2025.

Horaire :

 Le mardi, 16 h 00 - 17 h 30 ,

 Culler Senior Center Multipurpose Room ,

Lieu : Culler Senior Center Multipurpose Room | 921 Eastchester Drive, Suite 1230, High Point, NC, 27262

Description :

This is a wonderful opportunity for a late afternoon of live entertainment and cultural enrichment as we enjoy American songs of the 1920s through the 1950s. We'll hear Broadway favorites to marches, classical hits to big band favorites and ragtime to traditional music. Please join us and bring family and friends!

This is a drop-in activity. Registration takes place at the recreation center.

Âge requis : Plus de 50 ans au jour de l'activité

Étiquettes : Active Adult (50+) Special Events Special Interest

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