Informations importantes

Mudhens Baseball 2025

This program is open to MONTREAL WEST RESISENTS ONLY

This is a competitve baseball Program that has teams play a 10 game season plus playoffs and finals. Practices, weekend games and travelling to other communties are apart of this program. 

Players are divided into 4 categories: Mosquioto, Peewee, Bantam & Midget.


  • Opens March 1 - 31st
  • Any registrations after March 31st will be put on a waiting list. 
  • CRA 2025-2026 membership is required

Spring training and Evaluations

  • You must be registered to attend 
  • schedule will be made avaible at the end of March

Uniform Pick Up 

  • Date & Location TBD

Coaches Clinic


If you are interested in coaching please click on the link and send us an email with your information


The Intercommunity league is in charge of the game schedule . We only receive the game schedule last week of May. The Mudhens have requested the following days for home games, please note these days are not guarenteed. Also, we have no control over when away games are played.