Informations importantes

  • Pre-registration required! Registration for activities "usually" close 2-business days before the activity start date.
  • Minimum enrollment requirements must be met or activity is subject to cancellation.
  • No guarantee, but for a participant to be placed in the same class as a "buddy," registration MUST be completed at the same time. 
  • Material fees are payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. These are in addition to the registration fee.
  • Class instructor, activities and/or fees are subject to change without notice.


Check your email! Once a spot opens, you’ll receive an email with a link to register. You’ll have ONLY 4 HOURS to claim your spot before it’s offered to the next person.

Tip: Enable email notifications to ensure you don’t miss your chance.

Act fast, and good luck!



All client initiated cancellations will be assessed a $5 administrative fee per activity.

  • Cancel Registration
    • Do it yourself online within 3 business days before activity start date.
    • Call or visit in-person during business hours before the activity start date. Hours will vary by location. 
  • Refunds
    • Refund requests will only be accepted prior to the 2nd class meeting. Clients will be charged for classes conducted, not attended. No refunds will be issued once the 2nd class meeting has been conducted.

One day workshops and events do not apply. Specific refund policy may apply for specialized programs and sports leagues.