Date de début : mercredi, 20 septembre 2023.

Horaire :

 Les mercredis, 19 h 30 - 20 h 20

 Du 20 septembre 2023 jusqu'au 18 octobre 2023

Description :

LIFE SKILLS LEVEL TWO has been completely re-designed over the 2023 year to include canine conditioning work, confidence building, hind end and body awareness, confidence building and connection training. Each training class will start with discussion and education on canine communication - what your dog is saying to you.

One training class once a week for 5 weeks.

Each class is 45-50 minutes long.

This class is for dogs of any age.

Highly recommend any level one training (basic foundation work of sit, down, eye contact and impulse control exercises) before the level two.

Vaccines: Two Canine Distemper vaccines (DAPP) and Kennel Cough vaccine (recommended).

In this class you will learn:

Connection training with eye contact (keeping your dog focused on you and less on environmental distractions).

  • Body awareness with jump/over work, going around a cone, two on two off a stool, jumping through a hoop.

  • Hind end awareness - Back up or out taught with two different formats.

  • Touch target work - Creating the behavior when your dog take their nose and taps the base of your hand . Excellent re-focus exercise and great for any dog sports. Turn on a light or ring a bell using paw target training. Cross paws with lid target training.

  • Impulse Control/Self Control Exercises.

  • Sit stay and down stay with distance duration and distraction.

  • Socialization/exposure with other dogs and people.

Trick training challenges to build core work, stretching and conditioning such as bow and beg, spin left or right and crawl behaviors.

Disponibles : Disponible

Prix : 140,00 $ Taxes exonérées

Notes : **Please email with your dogs name breed, and age to prior to the classes starting.

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