SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
Date de début : lundi, 1 novembre 2021.
Horaire :
Les lundis, 19 h 00 - 21 h 00 ,
Du 01 novembre 2021 jusqu'au 06 décembre 2021 ,
Flying Trapeze Tent (SANCA) ,
Melissa Nagin, Paul Peterson, Fly Coaches, Lukas Weinbach ,
Lieu : Flying Trapeze Tent (SANCA) | 666 South Homer Street, Seattle, WA, 98108
Description :
This class is for our intermediate and advanced adult flyers. These flyers are already working on their swing and have mastered several beginner and intermediate flying trapeze skills in other classes. They will participate with a consistent group of flyers and the same coaches for two hours each week for the duration of the current session. Flyers in our Advanced Youth Session Class are expected to dedicate themselves, both in class and at home, to flying trapeze theory and physical conditioning.
Places disponibles : 2/5
Prix : 540,00 $ Taxes exonérées
Âge requis : Plus de 18 ans au jour de l'activité
Prérequis : Must know beginner and basic tricks on the School of Flight tricks chart. Must be working on a Swing
Compétence requise : Flying Trapeze - Tricks and Locks
Étiquettes : Flying Trapeze
Partagez cette activité :
Cette activité est offerte à la carte. Faites votre choix via le calendrier.