Date de début : vendredi, 14 juillet 2023.

Horaire :

 Le 14 juillet 2023, 18 h 00 - 20 h 00 ,

 Front Beam ,

Lieu : Front Beam | 674 South Orcas Street, Seattle, WA, 98108

Description :

Have you seen people seemingly defying gravity moving upward seemingly with little effort and wondered… HOW!? If so this workshop is for you, JOIN ME for fruit roll up where we will explore cshaping and how to use cross apparatus training to obtain your goals of defying gravity. We will start with floorial drills, progressing to hammock drills, and finally to vertical rolling. With this we will also be covering various mobility and strength drills to help you safely obtain your goals. Skills focused on include hipkey rollup, single coil and variations, back balance, switches, and roll downs.

Places disponibles : 5/12

Prix : 75,00 $ Taxes exonérées

Âge requis : Plus de 13 ans au jour de l'activité

Prérequis : Previous experience on vertical apparatus required

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