SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
SANCA - School of Acrobatics & New Circus Arts
SANCA is a not for profit school teaching circus arts to students of all ages.
Date de début : vendredi, 5 novembre 2021.
Horaire :
Le vendredi de 17:00 à 18:25.
Du 2021-11-05 jusqu'au 2021-12-17
Flying Trapeze Tent (SANCA)
Paul Peterson, Fly Coaches, Lukas Weinbach
Lieu : Flying Trapeze Tent (SANCA) | 666 South Homer Street, Seattle, WA, 98108
Description :
Are you ready to take your swing to higher heights? Join coaches Lukas and Paul for the first hour of this class as they break down the mechanics and physics in order to help students understand the ways to increase the effiency of their flying trapeze swing. The last 30 minutes of this class will be devoted to flying trapeze-specific strength training and conditioning to further bolster your skills in the air!
Disponibles : 3/6
Prix : 0,00 $ Taxes exonérées
Âge requis : Plus de 13 ans au jour de l'activité
Prérequis : Students should be working on their full swing on the flying trapeze!
Compétence requise : Specialty Skill - Intermediate Flying Trapeze
Étiquettes : Flying Trapeze
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