The Trails Recreation Center
Your path to community, health, and family
The Trails Recreation Center
Your path to community, health, and family
Date de début : lundi, 21 juillet 2025.
Horaire :
Les lundis, mardis, mercredis, jeudis, 8 h 30 - 10 h 30 ,
Du 21 juillet 2025 jusqu'au 24 juillet 2025 ,
Responsable :
Description :
If you’ve been searching for summer soccer camps that you can enroll your 8-10 year-old in that’ll teach them fundamental aspects of soccer, then look no further! This soccer for kids’ camp will teach them how to use their feet to help their team score goals while teaching offensive and defensive tactics playing different games. They’ll also have fun trying out various soccer positions and running around on the field.
Located at Piney Creek Hollow Park
Please note that a staff member will be present on July 23 to take photos and videos for marketing purposes. If you’re not interested in having you/your child photographed at that time, please see the front desk upon check-in to receive a colored wristband or talk to the staff.
Places disponibles : 15/15
Prix : 108,00 $ - 135,00 $ Taxes exonérées
Âge requis : 8 - 10 ans au jour de l'activité
Genre : Homme, Femme, Préfère ne pas répondre
Notes : This camp is located at Piney Creek Hollow Park: 6140 S. Tower Rd, Aurora, CO 80016
Étiquettes : Goal Setters School Break Camps Soccer Athletics
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