Date de début : samedi, 21 septembre 2024.

Horaire :

 Le 21 septembre 2024, de 10:00 à 12:30

Responsable :

Lieu : VanDusen Botanical Garden - Visitor Centre Foyer

Description :

Join Lily Liu for a Medicinal Plant Tour at VanDusen Botanical Garden. Learn about Chinese medicinal plants and their potential applications in promoting health and well-being.

Course Highlights: 

  • Identify and understand the characteristics of 20 Chinese medicinal plants. 

  • Learn their applications and benefits. 

  • Get practical tips for daily health practices. 

Check the instructor's bio and the plant list here.

Online pre-registration is required. This is a walking session on both paved and unpaved paths in the Garden.  

Read our cancellation policy here


Disponibles : Complet

Prix : 36,00 $ Taxes en sus

<p><span class='promotion-title'>VBGA Member Discount </span><br /><br /><span class='promotion-application-text'>Vous recevez un rabais si vous inscrivez un code préétabli.</span><br /><span class='promotion-application-text'>If you are a member of the Gardens, enter promotional code MEMBER at checkout to receive your 10% discount!</span><br /><div class='promotion-discount-desc'><br /><span class='promotion-discount-item'>Rabais de 10% </span><br /></div></p>

Notes : For registration support, email

Informations supplémentaires : Please note that registration will close at 4:00 p.m. PT, one business day before the event.

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