Date de début : lundi, 10 juin 2024.
Horaire :
Le 10 juin 2024, de 13:00 à 14:00
VanDusen Guides Classroom
Responsable :
Lieu : VanDusen Guides Classroom | 5151 Oak St, Vancouver, BC, V6M 4H1
Description :
Orwell’s Roses (2021) by Rebecca Solnit Using George Orwell’s 1938 rose planting task as a starting point, Solnit delves into the intertwined politics of nature and power, offering a reconsideration of Orwell as a gardener, writer and anti-fascist. You might not read Nineteen Eighty-Four in the same way again.
Disponibles : Disponible
Prix : 0,00 $ Taxes en sus
Notes : Join our friendly group on the second Monday of February, April, June, September and November from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. In 2024, we will be meeting in-person only in the Visitor Centre Classroom. Our meetings focus on an eclectic variety of topics related to plants and the natural world. We purposely choose general topics to allow members to find materials that interest them and so that there is less demand on a limited number of copies of a particular book. When a topic or a theme (rather than a single book) has been offered, members are asked to read on or as many of the suggested books as they like. To prepare for Book Club meetings, check out the Yosef Wosk Library and Resource Centre at the VanDusen Garden Visitor Center, your local libraries and bookstore for books, ebooks and audiobooks. You are also welcome to conduct your own research online.
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