Informations importantes

Rhythm Cat Athlete for the 2024-2025 Competitive Season

You are being recommended to train at the Rhythm Cat (RC) level in the 2024-2025 season and as such the following information is important.  Rhythm Cat is the pre-competitive/competitive for life program for Rhythmic Gymnastics in Saskatchewan.  In this program, kids will learn individual and small group routines that they will perform in a non-competitive environment where athletes are ranked vs scored.

Training Expectations:

  • You are expected to train 2 (1X) or 4 (2X) hours per week from Sept-June.
  • You are encouraged to attend one or more weeks of intermediate summer camp (see for more details or email
  • You are expected to purchase your own hand held apparatus (rope and whatever apparatus you will be competing with this year)
  • You are expected to wear black fitted training clothing (tank and shorts or leotard) with hair in a bun or braid to all practices.  You are also expected to wear clean white socks and have toe shoes.


Competition Expectations:

  • You are expected to compete at the WRGC Invitational Competition (March 9, 2025) and WRGC Shoot for the Stars Competition (TBD – April 2025)
  • You are encouraged to attend other RC Competitions and Clinics (when offered).
  • You are expected to cover the cost of the competitions.  This will include registration fees and if necessary, travel costs.  The cost of the coaches and judges will be calculated and split among all athletes attending the competition.
  • You are expected to purchase a competition leotard in consultation with your coach.  There will be a used suit sale at the end of September
  •  You are expected to purchase WRGC training gear to wear during warm up and walk on at competitions (last year cost was $50 for a TShirt).  Gymnasts may wear their own solid black leggings. 

What you will pay for:

  • Training Fees for ten months based on hours of training 
  • Membership fees (total of $180 for 2024/2025 - TBC)
  • Choreography fee of $25 per routine.  This covers music, choreography and scripting. 
  • Any competition fees (registrations, travel, accommodations and coaching costs.)

You will be expected to:

  • Participate in the Christmas Show (TBD) and Year End Production (TBD)
  • Participate in the WRGC fundraiser as outlined in the registration package or choose the payout option ($50).
  • Volunteer where needed and as requested or choose the payout option.  As WRGC is a non-profit, parent run club all tasks are done by volunteers. 

Optional Training Days:

Friday from 6:30-8:30

Sunday from 12:00-2:00

Rising Star Athlete for the 2024-2025 Competitive Season

You are being chosen to train at the Rising Star level in the 2024-2025 season.  This class of for young ladies that the coaching staff has recognized as having potential as a competitive athlete.  As such the following information is important:

Training Expectations:

  • You are expected to train 4 hours per week.
  • You are expected to purchase your own rope and toe shoes
  • You are expected to wear black fitted training clothing (tank and shorts or leotard) with hair in a bun or braid to all practices.  You are also expected to wear clean white socks and have toe shoes.
  • You are expected to in the Winter Show (December 22, 2024) and Year End Production (Date - TBD)
  • There may be other opportunities to perform throughout the season such as our WRGC Invitational Competition on March 8-9, 2025 and Shoot for the Stars Competition on April 26, 2025.

What you will pay for:

  • Training Fees for ten months based on hours of training  ($1,958)
  • Annual Membership fee ($58 - TBD)

What we expect from your family:

  • You are expected to volunteer 16 hours throughout the training year.  There will be many opportunities to volunteer
  • You are expected to participate in the annual fundraiser or payout a $50 fundraising fee. 

Training Days:

Monday from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Saturday from 11:00-1:00

Level 1B for the 2024-25 Competitive Season

You are recommended to train and compete as a Provincial Level 1B gymnast for the 2024-25 competitive season and as such the following information is important:

Training Expectations:

  • You are expected to train 4-7 hours per week from September thru June.
  • You are expected to attend at least one week of summer camp but are encouraged to attend more. 
  • You are expected to participate in training camps as they are offered.
  • You are expected to purchase your own apparatus (rope and whatever apparatus you will be competing with this year)
  • You are expected to wear black fitted training clothing (tank and shorts or leotard) with hair in a bun or braid to all practices. You are also expected to wear clean white socks and have toe shoes or toe socks.
  • You are expected to have a sets of ankle weights (small) and a Thera-band for conditioning.


Competition Expectations:

  • You are expected to compete at the WRGC Invitational Competition (March 15-16, 2025) and Shoot for the Stars (TBD).  All these competitions are in Regina.
  • You may attend other Invitational Competitions at the recommendation of your coach.
  • You are expected to cover the cost of the competitions. This will include registration fees and if necessary, travel costs. The cost of the coaches will be calculated and split among all athletes attending the competition.
  • You are expected to purchase a competition leotard in consultation with your coaches. There will be a used suit sale at the end of September.
  • You are expected to purchase WRGC training gear to wear during warm up and walk on at competitions (estimated cost of $260 or less).


What you will pay for:

  • Training Fees for ten months based on level and number of hours training per week.  For 4 hours the annual fee is $1975 and for 7 hours it is $3,341.  Fees are payable monthly.
  • Membership fees (approximately $266 for 2024-25 –to be confirmed).
  • Choreography fee to a maximum $35 per routine. This covers music, choreography and scripting.
  • Any competition fees (registrations, travel, accommodations and coaching costs.)

You are expected to:

  • Participate in the Winter Show (TBD) and Year-end Show (TBD)
  • Participate in the WRGC Club fundraisers or choose the pay-out option (approx. $50).
  • Volunteer where needed to complete mandatory volunteer hours or choose the payout option.

Training Days:

Monday from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Saturday from 11:00-1:00

 Option to add Sunday 12:00pm - 3:00pm – email to add this class.