ALACCA Bible Camp & Conference
We are a camp where people are led to Christ through the Gospel, His Word, and outdoor experience
ALACCA Bible Camp & Conference
We are a camp where people are led to Christ through the Gospel, His Word, and outdoor experience
Goal: $475,000.00
At our banquets in August 2020, we announced that we will be launching a Gap Year School in September 2021. The Bridge Gospel Academy will be a 1-year discipleship school for graduated seniors and beyond. $100,000 of the capital campaign is to fund the first year of the school, preparation of the school, and a school administrator. The remaining $375, 000 will go to build a new welcome center. The welcome center will include offices for staff, a board room, an additional conference room, camp store, and registration on the bottom floor. The top floor will be 4 dorm-style rooms each having their own bathroom and 3 sets of bunk beds with a queen-size bed.
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