Start date: Friday, June 6 2025.


 Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ,

 Beach Cheer Athletics ,

Resource person:

Location: Beach Cheer Athletics | 38 Milne Avenue, Toronto, ON, M1L 1K1


This is a full day of cheerleading camp including: minimum 2 hours tumbling, stunting, pyramids, jumping and dancing. There will be a craft and games as well for a bit of a break.  Pack a big lunch, snacks, drinks and a sweatshirt for break time. Its a busy jammed pack day! Spots are reserved once payment is received. 

Extended hours are available. Please e-mail to check for availability and pricing.

Available spots: Available

Price: $65.00 Taxes not included

Notes: We will be emailing out all camp info 1 week before PA Day Camp!

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