Start date: Saturday, July 26 2025.


 Saturday, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM ,

 Sholem Aquatic Center ,

Location: Sholem Aquatic Center | 2205 Sangamon Drive, Champaign, IL, 61821


Watch Nacho Libre with friends while staying cool in the pool! We're screening this film on 7/26 from 8-10pm, movie will start at sundown.

Entry is $5 per person or FREE with a pool pass or Silver Sneakers membership (Pool pass holders should still register to reserve their spot, a discount is applied at purchase with a membership). Every person attending must be registered.

Tickets go on sale on 5/24. Pool pass holders may reserve their spot starting on 3/17. 

Registration will be accepted to the first 500 people. 

Available spots: 500/500

Price: $0.00 - $5.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Aquatics

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