Start date: Saturday, June 14 2025.


 Saturdays, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ,

 From June 14, 2025 until July 26, 2025 ,

 Springer Cultural Center - Art Room ,

Resource person:

Location: Springer Cultural Center - Art Room | 301 North Randolph Street, Champaign, IL, 61820


Pre-Band for Flutes is a chance for rising 6th-graders to participate in a beginner flute class that will get them ready for middle school band in the fall.

Blocki Flute Method, Book 1, is an award-winning beginner method book that Sue Garton will use to teach the students how to make a pleasing sound, play some simple tunes, and learn about and use music basics.


Available spots: 8/8

Price: $120.00 - $180.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 11 - 12 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This class requires a flute, which can be rented from the Music Shoppe. Parents can go to to set up a rental. Class fee includes Blocki Flute Method Book 1.

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